MARIANGELA GUALTIERI was born in Cesena, in Romagna. She graduated in architecture at the IUAV in Venice. In 1983 he founded, together with the director Cesare Ronconi, the Teatro Valdoca, one of the most important Italian contemporary theatre group. From the beginning she took care of the oral delivery of the poem, devoting full attention to the apparatus of amplification of the voice and the association between poetic verse and live music.
Among the texts published: Antenata (ed. Crocetti, Milan 1992), Fuoco Centrale (Giulio Einaudi ed. Torino 2003), Senza polvere senza peso (Giulio Einaudi ed., Turin 2006), Sermon to puppies of my species (Arboretum Publisher, Mondaino 2006), Landscape with a broken brother (book and DVD, Luca Sossella Editore, Rome 2007), Beast of joy (Giulio Einaudi ed., Turin 2010), Caino, (Giulio Einaudi ed., Turin 2011), Sermon to puppies of my species with audio CD (Valdoca ed. Cesena 2012), A Seneghe. Mariangela Gualtieri / Guido Guidi (Perda Sonadora Imprentas, 2012), The young words (Einaudi, 2015), Voices of blue darkness (Stampa 2009 ed., 2016), Beast of joy. Selected poems (Chelsea edition, New York, 2018). She is co-author of the Album of the Oaths / Tables of the Oaths (Quodlibet, 2019) of Teatro Valdoca.