From the very beginning we did not intend to defy everybody by not doing what the rest of the world does, to experiment for the sake of experimenting. The main purpose had been only to do what we were really interested in. We, of course, hoped it would raise the interest of other people as well.
It has been seven years now since the audience continuously shares our interest in the preforming arts be it plays targeting grown-ups or children’s (puppet) shows, thoroughly rehearsed and adapted plays or improvised ones, topics dealing with delicate social issues or works that contain daring experiments with the language of the plays.
The founders of the group started the project immediately after having finished the university; this undertaking can be considered rather reckless. Through these years newly-graduated young actors and other theatre professionals have joined the group. Apart from the fact that we are all young we have other important things in common, as the fact that we all like what we do and treat our work and audience with utmost devotion.