My name is Donatella Pazzelli and I am 49 years old. I was born, I live and I work in my Camerino, a town of 7,000 inhabitants and as many university students, which is located on the top of a hill, in the heart of the Marche region, in central Italy. I have a beautiful family, a degree in law, a qualification to practice as lawyer and a registration to the order of journalists of over twenty-five years. I have a great passion for writing (I am the author of a novel) and for the theatre (I am part of a theatre company called "Dieci Donne Mamme Matte" = "Ten Women Crazy Mums"). In my job at the Municipality of Camerino I deal with culture and tourism. Until 2016 the town had a magnificent nineteenth-century theatre called "Filippo Marchetti Theatre" then an earthquake made it condemned, as well as all the medieval old town centre, erasing a daily life that now more than ever I understand how perfect it was.
“ But the dignity of this town is not in the stones, it is in the tradition, the dear old Italian tradition: something that puts to us a sense of gratitude in our soul and a sense of solidity under our feet, ancient earth for new plants “ (Ugo Betti - Camerino 1934).