Chvalčov is a village in the Eastern part of the Czech Republic with over 1500 inhabitants. It lies below the Hostýn hill, one of the most visited places of pilgrimage in the Czech Republic. While the hill is quite overcrowded with pilgrims and tourists from March to the beginning of November, Chvalčov and other villages below the Hostýn basilica live their ordinary lives, taking care of their families, dogs, and houses. Chvalčov lies in the foothills, so its one part is open to lowlands with other villages and towns, while its opposite part wedges between hills with neighboring villages over 10 kilometers away from Chvalčov. Not so long ago, the wood from forests on these hills was used for manufacturing famous Thonet/TON bend furniture (the factory has its headquarters in the neighboring town Bystřice pod Hostýnem and supports activities of Kulturák), especially chairs, that can be found in cafés and bars all over the world, including lovely Café Meletti in Ascoli Piceno (verified during the SPARSE plus kick-off meeting).